On the inside dust cover of AZINCOURT,which I have just devoured,this book is described as your masterpiece,having read practically all that you have written,I have to agree.The battle and siege descriptions are brilliant.I almost feel sorry for your wife because I read that she won’t read the gory bits,so she has missed quite a bit of this one!I thought your article in the Daily Mail was an excellent precis of the battle,very well written.Now you can’t leave Nick and Melisande in the autumn of 1415,still a young man and woman and nowhere to go.Can Henry V manage to capture Caen in 1417 without Nick’s help and what about Rouen in 1419? and Henry’s and Catherine’s entry into Paris in 1420?Forgive me for trying to plant ideas in your fertile imagination,I expect you have already ideas in that direction.I know Uhtred’s next outing must be in the offing,also maybe Sharpe prequels.The trouble is Bernard that you are too good at creating believable heroes.Many Regards Peter Carragher.