Hello Bernard,I hope you are progressing quickly with your next installment of Uhtred’s tale. If it is anywhere near as good as AZINCOURT we readers are in for a rare treat. I have to say I prize your works above all others, and in rare instances it is possible to pick out the gems that stand above the rest(Sharpe’s Waterloo, The Lords of the North, Excalibur are but a few for me). AZINCOURT will be joining that list, it is a truly magnificent story and account of the events leading up to and including the battle. Thank you. Your one liner referring to Thomas of Hookton brought a smile to my face, a really nice touch. You also include an episode where Henry visits and talks to his archers on the eve of battle, is this something you included for the sake of Michael Hook, or did Henry really need to assess the mood of his men and hear confirmation that they thought he was doing battle for a just cause? It’s a shame you couldn’t include the archers 2 fingered salute at the start of the battle, I’ve been telling my son’s it was at this battle it became famous!! Maybe your saving that for the next Nick Hook book?? Go on, you know you can’t leave Nick and Melisande at that. Surely there’s more from the Lord of Hell and Sir John, and Sir Martin ~ did he really bleed to death?? He could be you next Obadiah, he just can’t be killed, says so in the scriptures. Thanks as always, Dean Tams, Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria.