Hello! I was just wondering if you are not going to continue The Saxon Stories? I thought Azincourt would be the next one in the series but I have just read some of it and it is obviously not. I would be very disappointed if Uhtred is not going to fight again!!! Thank you, Koko

Hey Mr Cornwell, i am writing to say that i am a huge fan of your work especially the Saxon stories. Uhtred is one of my all time favorite characters and i was hoping you could tell me if you are planning to release another installment any time soon. Looking forward to hearing from you sincerely TJ R.

I have really enjoyed the Saxon Series. I have just completed “The Sword Song”. The 4th in the series. I have read all 4. Is there going to be a 5th and if so, how long, I would like to purchase it. I really enjoy your work. Thank You. Ed Cullom