Dear Mr. Cornwell, Thank you for creating several excellent book series. I’ve read and enjoyed all the Sharpe novels, the Grail stories, and the Saxon Stories. In my opinion, the Saxon stories are the best of all. There is an apparent error in Sword Song that bothers me, however. On page 63, Father Pyrlig removes Sigefrid’s sword thumb. Later, Uhtred refers to Sigefrid as “One Thumb Sigefrid.” Then, in the battle at Ludd’s Gate and again in the final fight that frees Aethelflaed from the Danes, Sigefrid kills Erik.How is this possible? He has no thumb on his sword hand to handle the blade. No mention is made of his missing thumb! It would be interesting to know how this is resolved. Thank you, and I look forward with great interest to the next Saxon story. Meanwhile, I will content myself with a copy of Azincourt when it becomes available in the US. Tom Gill