Hello Bernard, I know your currently wrapped-up in Azincourt and probably next another portion of Uhtred’s story, but I can’t help but coming back to ask you questions about Wellington and Sharpe. Have you considered covering Wellington’s first chance of testing his line vs. column theory at Vimeiro? It would be interesting to know some more of how he came about the successful tactics of the thin red line and also the effect of the Convention of Cintra had on Wellington personally. Any chance Sharpe can make it before being whisked back to the North of Spain?

Also, after so many re-reads, why oh why did take the decision to dispense with Hakeswill? He’s you best villain by a long shot and surely deserved his come-uppance at Waterloo, and not so soon after the Gateway of God?

I also can’t help but think it was a little let-down to have Major Hogan slip away in the unglorious manner you chose. I still laugh out loud at Hogan’s snuff sneezing episodes! Perhaps he’d served his purpose to Sharpe and Wellington and that was that? Thanks as always. Dean Tams, Cumbraland.