Mr Cornwell, my brother recommended your books to me and I have found them to be very enjoyable to the point of being difficult to put down – I especially like the medievel stories, can you tell me, when are we likely to enjoy the next instalment of Uhtred of Bebbanburg in the Saxon stories ?

Ricky Gunn

Bernard! Big fan. I was just wondering when the next “Uhtred” book is to be released? I was never really interested in historical fiction until I read your books. Barely even picked up books that didn’t relate to my course. Ha, keep up the good work.

Hello, I am a great fan of your work having since my Dad read the Sharpe novels to me as a young boy. Now I have read all of your books and was wondering: when is the new Saxon book coming out! I can’t wait! You probably get this a lot so I apologize but I simply had to ask. Regards Phil