Dear Mr. Cornwell, I cannot stress to what extent I savour your books. I discovered the Pale Horseman in November of 2007 (at Barnes and Nobles). Much to my own pleasure, I have taken a fervent liking to reading your novels. I’m not sure if it’s Uhtred of Bebbanburg, an amazing protagonist by the way, or the time period in which the story takes place, that makes me so eager to read. I am an avid fan of history (all history) Every time I pick up your book, it’s as if I were willingly jumping into a time machine, where a world of history, culture and chaos was awaiting me. The best parts of my day are when I take the train to go to and from work. There is no better time to read to read your novels. It’s become a routine of mine. I finished the Pale Horseman rather quickly, and the proceeded to devouring Lords of the North and Sword Song. I was deeply saddened when I realized the Sword Song was just released in January of 2008. I imagine I will have to wait a whole year before I can read what happens to Uhtred. Perhaps, Alfred will he finally reward Uhtred properly for having succeeded despite his cousin’s lack of trust, respect or military prowess. I am finding it more and more difficult to wait for Uhtred to finish this blood feud that started long ago, when his uncle cowardly took over his father’s land (and wife) and tried to have him killed. I am aching for Alfred to release Uhtred of his oath so that he may roam to the north with his wolf pack of Finnan, Rypere and Sihtric and find Ragnar Ragnarson. An epic battle is on the verge of happening, I can sense it. The time for Uhtred and Ragnar to stand together in the shield wall will come again. This is better than any movie…. really! Which brings me to my next point. Will this Anglo-saxon saga ever become a movie? It’s a gold mine of an idea. I’d buy the series. I’ve already cast everyone in my mind. :) Now, finding myself waiting for the next of the Anglo-saxon tales to come out, I have begun reading the Sharpe series, which is also amazing. I can’t believe I haven’t heard of any of this sooner. Pretty soon I will have read everything you have ever written. :) Keep going! I tried putting my appreciation for your work in words, but even there I believe I fell short. I have never enjoyed reading this much! I remain, very humbly, one of your most appreciative fans. I look forward to everything that is to come.

Charles Millet