Mr. Cornwell, If this were the time of Uhtred, I would enslave you at the point of my sword and make you write your tales at my behest…which would mean you would write more stories, and finish them faster! I just finished Sword Song and it is fantastic! I have to say that I am such an avid reader that it is not unusual for me to finish 3 books in a week, and I have read SO MANY through the years…but your Saxon Chronicles, Grail Quest series, and Arthur books have made it to the top of my list. They have rekindled a yearning for more tales of the dark ages, of Arthur and his Knights, of men-at-arms, Lords, and Ladies. Not since I was a teenager(many years ago) have I been so entertained by stories of this kind. You are a master! I have one question: If you could be a character in the Saxon Chronicles, would you be an Alfred, an Uhtred, or perhaps even a Ragnar? Not a Beocca, I hope! Tell us! Keep the books coming! Shawson Hebert, Monroe Louisiana.