Dear Mr Cornwell, I discovered your work just over a year ago now and after reading the grail quest series, and then Uhtred’s adventures I must say I am a huge fan. I am a great lover of medieval history and your books really made me feel like I was in those great battles, wearing my armour, and smashing my enemies head in alongside my Saxon brothers, haha. just wondering, have you considered writing a series around the crusades? could you recommend any writings of this period? Thank you for your time. Lee.

Hi Bernard, Firstly I’d just like to say that I have just read Sword Song and it was a fantastic read! I will wait for the next installment in 2009 with great difficulty! Secondly, as someone who is just about to start a Crusader Studies MA this month, I wonder if you have ever been tempted to write about them? If so, was there any particular era that might have caught your fancy? I also understand that in the politically correct day and age we live in, it could also be a difficult and challenging subject to write about.

While on the subject, are there any other areas of mediaeval history that you have wanted to write about but never had the time to do so? Many thanks for your time spent in answering these questions, Toby.