Dear Bernard, Do you have any idea as to how long the wait will be for the fourth book in The Saxon Stories? I think the first three were excellent. Many thanks, Paul

I am pleased to learn that The Saxon Stories won’t end at three books. Any chance of Uhtred having the same longevity as Richard Sharpe?
Gary Vaughn

Hi, Mr. Cornwell. I fell in love with the first of your books that I read. I bought it as I’m avidly interested in the Dark Ages and simply had nothing else to read but became unexpectedly enthralled from the beginning. This was “The Last Kingdom”. I’ve never read a book so quickly in my 17 years and instantly bought the following two. It was with a little grief that I finished “Lords of the North” as the story isn’t over! It means I have to wait for the next book and I’m not sure I can bear it! I was wondering how many books do you intend to write following the story of Uhtred or is no end in sight? Also, when will the next book appear on the shelves and shortly after in my hands? Thank you. C. Doyle

I was just wondering how many books you will be doing in the Alfred series, I have read Lords of the North and although there is a conclusion of sorts (Kjartan and Sven) but there is still Bebbanburg to reclaim. how many more will take before Uhtred is rightfully installed in his stone fastness. (Also I hope he doesn’t become a christian too soon, even though I would prefer him pagan I know that wont happen).
Elliot Bartholomew

Really enjoy all Bernard Cornwell’s books.Has he any plans for another book in the Saxon series following “Lords of the North”?
Alan Smith