Dear Mr Cornwell, A few years back on a delayed longhall flight, I swapped my well read copy of Flashman by George McDonald Frazer for a copy of Sharp’s Tiger. To say I’ve been hooked ever since would be an understatement. I’ve rattled through all the Sharpe’s, devoured Arthur & the Grail Quest and am at fever pitch to see (if) Uhtred take Bebbanburg. To tide me over, I purchased the audio books which, much to my wife’s dismay, do not hold the same visual appeal as Sean Bean. In order to feed my addiction, whilst maintaining my marriage, can you please kick the arse of your sales/product manager and get the Sharpe series out on DVD? I’ve search high and low without luck, finally checking your site to read it wasn’t yet available. Shame! A request; As a Scot who’s long since emigrated to Australia, your Auld Isle tales have given me regret at a lack of exploration whilst I called Britain my home. Next year I am hoping to get back and rediscover some of the landscapes you have described so poetically in your Arthur & Alfred tails. Do you, or any of your avid readers have any recommendation? My plans are to start with pre & post Romanic UK. Later, if the coffers allow, India, Portugal & Spain to follow Auld Hook Nose’s footsteps. I’d be extremely grateful of any tips from experienced “Cornwell” travelers. Thank you so much for your time and works to date. If you ever make it out to Australia I would dearly like to hear you speak. Yours gratefully, Jamie Raeburn PS. You have Anglo-Saxon, Irish, Dane & Yankie heroes. How about the next series you look after your Scots readers! Jamie Raeburn