Dear Bernard, In regards to future novels you write you mentioned another book set in the American Revolution – can you give a clue on what it would be about and have you ever thought about writing about Tarleton and his campaigns he does have very Sharpe like qualities about (Could they ever meet??) him ?

Also in regards to the Sharpe novels the later books (in the chronology) Sharpe is not very much around the real life action Only at the end of Regiment is he at Nieville and at the begining of Revenge at Tolouese and the rest is mainly fictonal battles. I was always curious if that was a conscious descision if due to the state of Soult’s army simply being beaten veterans and teenage conscripts being a poor foe for Sharpe ??? And if you tour next year is there a chance you might be in Chester or that Uhtred might find himself in the Northwest (as opposed to the North East).

Finally do you know any good books on the British actions at Santo Domingo which occupied lots of troops at the start of the Napoleonic wars??? P.S Its old but Alfred Burne’s Battlefields of Britain is still a great read if you have not read it and are looking for something over Xmas to read. Regards Geraint