I have a question about the Grail trilogy. I remember reading somewhere that you were annoyed at the renaming of the first of the books for publication in America. This got me thinking about the titles of the books and I’ve been itching to ask you this for ages: is the significance of the titles that they highlight once again the parallel between the life of Thomas Vexille and his cousin Guy vexille? That in each book the title could refer to either character? In addition to their similar physical appearance, and their simultaneous quest for the grail? Does the symmetry represent not only the battle between good and evil but their reliance on each other for their very existence? Is Guy Vexille the antichrist!!!! Ok maybe I’m taking it too far. But was that your thinking? If so, congrats its very clever and subtle, and am I the first to notice?! Lovin Uhtred by the way, what a delightfully evil b*st*rd! Looking forward to the fourth one.
Paul Vincent