Hi Bernard. I have read and re-read most of your books after initially getting hooked on The Winter King whilst in hospital. Im looking forward to (hopefully) more adventures of Uhtred in the latest series. Have you ever considered writing about the Robin Hood myth/legend or that era? As the Arthur stories were also based on a myth/legend, I thought that it would be interesting to have the “Cornwell Touch” on this story. Keep up the good work. Matt

Hi, I just want to congratuate you on Lords of the North, another good read, and your OBE, well deserved. Some points. Will there be a Sharpe book set after Devil? Perhaps a Gallow’s Thief styled Adventure? Or an India return like Sharpe’s Challenge?

Will there be a sequel to Gallow’s Thief? There seems to be a new Robin Hood tv series every twenty years (this time omitting Friar Tuck!), would you be interested in doing a shot at him (just one book, not a series) and which version would you do, the traditional King Richard setting? Or the Lancastrian Rebellion setting? Which I do not remember any film or book set. It has the advantage of a fresh take on the legend, perhaps the most horrifying murder of an English monarch, or any king and an opportunity to put background to the Vexille family. If Sharpe came back to tv in twenty years, they could do the India, Trafagar and Denmark stories before doing an extended Peninsula series. More episodes to watch! Thanks for all the books. Adrian