Hello Bernard May I first say how much I enjoy reading your novels. I have just finished The Lords of the North and could hardly put it down. My first question is when is the next novel in the series coming out? My next question is, have you decided how many Uhtred novels you will be doing or are you just going to keep writing until you come up with a new character/era to write about? My third question is have you thought about writing any novels in the Roman period, I have read Simon Scarrows books and thoroughly enjoyed them. Your ability to describe battles is second to none. The Roman period has so much scope. It would be interesting to have a story from a none Roman perspective such a soldier in Hanibals army or a German involed in the Teutoberg forest massacre. Once again many thanks for writing such incredible books.
Michael Jones

Bernard, I wanted to write & let you know that I’ve just put you as my second favorite author on my list. Marion Zimmer Bradley being number one. But that in no way takes away from your brilliant writing!! I’ve just finished with “The Lords of the North” & am now starting on the Arthur Books. Uhtred is one of the Greatest characters I’ve ever read about!!! He is responsible for getting my husband to read books!! I mean, what man or boy hasn’t thought about “Going Viking!” I’ve let 3 other male friends borrow the books & they all loved them!! My question is this, & I’m sure you’ve already been asked a million times, but I can’t find it in your FAQ section. Are you now in the process of writing new Uhtred books & if so, do you have a set idea as to how many there are going to be? Or do you just write on a subject or Character until you feel that the story is complete? I’m truly looking forward to any & all books in this set. I’m extremely pleased with the way you use old place names & pronunciations. I’m a history buff, & love historical fiction!!! It’s a much more interesting way of learning about the time period with out it being a History reference type book. I find I can’t seem to put your books down! Hence the question of when the next book is slated for publication. But I’m sure I’m ahead of myself!! People forget how long a process it can be to put books together, especially when you are so meticulous about accurate dates, places, & people like you seem to be. Well, I’m sure I’ve taken up enough of your time & if you find the time to answer that would be great!!! Thanks so much for the wonderful stories!!! Nicole Miller