Mr. Cornwell, I have been a big fan of your books for many years. The Sharpe’s series has provided for many an enjoyable birthday, Christmas, etc. gift. I am enjoying The Pale Horseman now. Uhtred seems to share more than one personality trait with Richard Sharpe, at least when it comes to battle. I am a member of an American Revolutionary War reenactment British group, the 64th Regt. of Foot. We were very fortunate to have had the opportunity to vist England last Fall and were hosted by the Staffordshire Regiment (a descendant of the 64th). We were able to see many of the colors displayed in Litchfield Cathedral and to visit a few castles. During my stay, I developed an interest in the English Civil War and have been reading up on it to learn more. Would you ever write a book durng this period? If not, can you recommend a fictional book in this setting? Thank you. Ken Milligan