Honestly, I wish I had the writing talent to express how thoroughly I enjoyed your books. I’d never read a historical fiction novel before I picked up “An Archer’s Tale” (aka Harlequin), and I was amazed at how easily a well-constructed story can make any period of history fascinating. Thank you for dispelling the awful (and perhaps all-too American) notion that Medieval warfare consisted solely of bands of knights galloping gallantly at each other with lances couched…and that the Napoleanic/American Civil War battles consisted of lines of men standing within spitting distance of each other, firing blindly at their enemies over smoke-filled grass field. Now, I must confess that I have only read the exploits of Richard Sharpe and Thomas of Hookton, so forgive my ignorance if this has been already been addressed, but I was wondering (whether intentional or not) if you meant for each of the protagonists in your series to be direct descendants of each other? Something along the lines of Saban begat Derfel begat Uhtred begat Thomas begat Dorcas begat Sharpe begat Starbuck (I’ve omitted the “Thrillers” and solo books, because they seem to disrupt the timeline a bit). Of course, it’d be any geneologist’s fantasy to be able to trace his ancestry back to the australopithicines…and part of what I now love about this genre of fiction is imagining what my ancestor was doing during each of these epochs. I was wondering if perhaps your work was intended to be interrelated, or if the historical timeline is just a randomly picked retelling. Thanks! Tyler Rhoades