Hello I have just discovered your web site, which is quite handy after finishing the Pale Horseman, as I’m slightly lost after finishing such a great book. The best part of reading your books is that you simply cannot put them down and I’m glad I have this opportunity to thank you for creating wonderful stories which have kept my interest in History alive throughout all my adult life. I first started reading your books after seeing Sharpe on ITV, my father told me that the books were much better and he was right so since then say 15 years ago I have not stopped reading your novels. So I would like to say thank you for some wonderful reading and I hope your novels have given you as much pleasure as I have had reading them and I’m very hungry for Uhtred’s next instalment so if you need someone to be a test audience for the next book then I’m your man! There is one thing I would like to ask your help on, I was once told my surname was a Saxon name (Canham) do you know of any books that can help with finding meanings/origins of surnames? Once again thanks for such great reading, oh and please convince someone to make the Warlord series into some films. Regards Gary Canham Basildon Essex