I first stumbled on the Sharpe stories when my father got addicted to reruns on A&E here in Arizona. He craved more so for Christmas I tried to buy him the series. A bit more expensive than I could handle so instead I found the books. I purchased Rifles and before giving it to him I read it and was instantly addicted. I have since tried to get everyone I know to read the books, some have become addicts themselves. I enjoy the BBC series and think Sean Bean is perfect as Sharpe and as a movie fan I frequent a movieblog site and I just read there that they are going to make another Sharpe episode with Bean. I hope this is true and that they get the budget needed to really show the grand scale of a Sharpe adventure. My question it the title. They are calling it Sharpe’s Challenge and it takes place after Waterloo. Please enlighten us if any of this is true and please say you are involved. CJ Izzo

Hello BC, Just reading on the South Essex website of the production of a new Sharpe TV episode in India. I was wondering if you had any story input, or should I worry, a la the TV version of Sharpe’s Gold! Plus just like to add that I am enjoying The Last Kingdom and have an ARC of the Pale Horseman to look forward to next, question is how many books will this series run for? Thanks Matt Bone

Hello Sir Im a 24 year old who is addicted to your historical books, The first I ever read of yours were the Warlord Chronicles (which I might add I’m desperately disappointed that there will be/can be no more in the series). Ive read (I believe in the questions section of this site) that you may Thomas Hookton may yet return in more adventures. I would personally like to know how many books you plan for the current series of Uhtred? Having just finished The Pale Horseman I am truly hoping that this will be longer than a trilogy – Do you have any indication on how long the series will run?

Kevin Reardon