Bernard – Thank you for ‘The Last Kingdom’ – it was a novel that I found hard to put down and the first one of yours that I have read. I will be awaiting the second adventure of Uhtred, so can you tell me when it will be published – it would seem that my thirst for this adventure is as strong as the war thirst of the Danes!!! Thank you. Peter.

I just finished reading The Last Kingdom. I wondered when the sequel will be due. I really enjoy historical novels. Have enjoyed Sharpe’s adventures immensely. Jeanne McDermott

Hi there. I just have to say that your work is an inspiration to the imagination. Each line of your writing paints a beautiful picture on the canvas of my minds eye. I own all of your Sharpe, Warlord, Starbuck and Grail Quest books (and over the years I have read them all countless times!). I have just finished reading The Last Kingdom and it has left me in awe. The only downside is that I have to wait for the concluding books to be completed! Any idea of when that might be ? Sorry for my impatience! I wish you luck in writing a tale that I know will leave your fans with a perpetual regard for your skill as an author! Best Regs David 22, London, Uk