Your new book the Last Kingdom was brilliant as ever. When is the next in the series due out? Have every book of yours I know of, my favourite has to be the Arthur series will you write more? what happens to Derfel? same question on the Starbuck books. You have a lifetime of work ahead of you but for my sake please finish it quickly. Tim Stanbridge

The Last Kingdom – Excellent, I would have finished it in two days if I had not been working. Any rough dates for the next one’s release? Was there a character called Arthur in the book? You refer to Waella cousin of Arthur being killed, did you mean Alfred? I also liked the way you incorporated links from the Warlord Chronicles, such as the Princess being stolen and the thousands of dead because of her. Brilliant, it really makes me feel a link between the mighty Derfel and Uhtred. I have long felt that the Warlord Chronicles were going to be my favourite books of all time, I now think the Uhtred books will be up there along side. Please concentrate on more dark age books as I think that is what makes us both tick. Thanks Chris Pollock

I bought “The Last Kingdom” at Heathrow Airport on Friday and finished it by Sunday morning in Chicago. Mom is from Copenhagen, and my brothers and I get the biggest laugh when she calls us “dumb Americans (especially at the Thanksgiving table after a few glasses of red wine). My brothers and I believe we have some distant connection to the Danish explorers, and this has been reinforced during my many business trips to England and Scotland. I always find an excuse to have a colleague bring me to a cemetary (they think I’m morose). But the cemetaries are SO much older than any in the States. The stories they bring to mind are fantastic. I visited an old church building in the Midlands with a friend. He told me Vikings had plundered this place, and centuries later the legend lived on. Crazy as it sounds, I touched the stone walls and got a creepy, cold feeling. I’ll never forget it. I can’t wait for the sequel to “The Last Kingdom.” Any idea when it might be released? Also, can you do your best to get this series made in to a movie! You characters are just as endearing as those in the “Lord of the Rings”…Kathee Pass