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Dear Mr. Cornwell:

I am a fan, having read a number of your novels  enjoying them thoroughly, including The Fort, Gallows Thief, several Sharpe books and now I am reading The Last Kingdom series in order.  My problem is that I am “reading’ them on audiotapes. While there has been a variety of narrators, until Death of Kings, there was always a  consistency in pronunciation of Uhtred and Bebbanburg. However, in the current audiobook, instead of the pronunciation OOO-tred, it is YOU-tred. Similarly, until Death of Kings, Bebbanburg was pronounced as it is spelled but in Death of Kings, it is something like Bamra. Is this a variation introduced by the new narrator or is it something that you suggested? Do I now have to change the way I occasionally roar “I am OOO-tred of Bebbanburg” around the house?

Thank you.


Barry Guerke