Auto Draft

Dear Mr Cornwell
I came across this site (having just finished Death of Kings and looking for the next book I will read) and just had to thank you for the the pleasure that your books have bought me over the years, I have enjoyed every one I have read (and I’ve read most of them) and they have infused me with a love of and interest in history that 13 years of school never did.
As a pagan and modern day Heathen (not the kind that uses Heathenry as an excuse for extreme political views) I have particularly enjoyed The Warrior Chronicles, your take on the transition from pagan beliefs to Christianity is really interesting and when Uhtred dies, hopefully many books in the future, he does so with his sword in his hand, all be it as an old man.
My partner does re enactment and is very impressed with your description of the shield wall (I have stood behind one to make up numbers and that terrified me, 150 men with swords and axes banging shields coming toward you, even in fun gave me nightmares for a week) he loves it, blood, injuries and all, he wonders if you have ever been involved in re enactment or  are your battle descriptions purely imagination (fuelled by excellent research of course).
Again thank you, I look forward to reading future books.

Yours sincerely

Laurie Manning