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Dear Bernard,
In your book “The Burning Land 2009” page 271, you wrote that Uhtred
celebrated x-mas in the “Viking Hall” with a x-mas tree, decorated
with miscellaneous things!
But the x-mas tree did not exist at this time, indoors or outdoors.
And the nordic vikings (from Norway, Sweden and Denmark) had no
knowledge about x-mas tree at all this time,
(890 after Christ). The use of x-mas tree came to the nordic countrys,
from germany, in the 1700’s.

But in England at this time, i don’t know?
Please, tell me about it! It’s interesting to know
if they had x-mas tree at all?
By the way, your books about Uhtred ARE AMAZING!
I love them all! Thank you Bernard.

Conny Moberg,