Mr. Cornwell, I am a civilian with the Army in Sharana, Afghanistan..probably the oldest guy here at (57)! I read a review of your book (The Burning Land)some months ago in when an old buddy of mine from Virginia Beach sent me a copy two weeks ago..I was pretty psyched. I read a lot here…(about all you have in down time)..”The Burning Land” is quite frankly, the only story I’ve read that keeps me up at night thinking about the characters and battle scenes because of your ability to paint the picture so well. You write like no one else I’ve ever read…THANK YOU. When I return to Portsmouth, RI..I splash a small boat in Narragansett had no name until now. SMOKA will be patrolling the East Bay summer after next…Thanks again for such an astonishing tale! Al Billington FOB, Sharana AF