Mr. Cornwell THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! for the best books I have ever had the pleasure of reading. I am so mad at myself for not knowing your books were out there until I read THE LAST KINGDOM and fell in love with that series. Since then I keep reading anything by you that I can get my hands on I absolutely loved The Arthur books The Grail quest books and am now trying to get caught up on the Sharpe books. I loved the battle at the bridge in Sharpe’s Eagle what a great idea you came up with for that whole sequence of the battle, INCREDIBLE GREAT READING! Lastly, I just want to comment on a page in Sword Song when you wrote about a man’s LUST or LOVE, when I read that it was so accurate and you were able to put into words exactly how I feel about that subject, it made me literally reel to read something that is exactly the way I look at LUST and LOVE. You are most excellent!! HAIL KING CORNWELL. Joe Verastegui