Dear Mr Cornwell I would just like to take a few moments to thank you for the wonderful historical fiction you write. I have just started ” The Burning Land” and have enjoyed the Alfred series, utterly. I have read the Arthur and Grail Quest series as well, oh and the Azincourt and Stonehenge stand alones! Fantastic stuff. What makes your novels all the more enjoyable for me is the amount of time which is spent in Somerset. I live in Wincanton and know the areas you speak of very well, in fact I took my children to Cadbury Castle for their first time this weekend and whenever I go there the first part of the Winter King always pops in to my head. I was trying to set the scene up on that ancient hilltop but they were far more interested in the cow poo, as is the want of three and two year olds! I live in a history rich area and feel a real pride that you write about my home county in a fair few of your novels. Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks. Books are so important and my wife and I are conveying that to our children through great stories such as The Gruffalo, Bear Snores on, The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark and The Magic Finger to name but a few. They love story time and I have no doubt at all that one day they will pluck one of your books off of my shelf and they, like me will be hooked. Take care and all the best from a very wet and windy Blighty! Greg Power