Mr. Cornwell, I have always liked reading but never really found any books that could hold my interest for very long… I was complaining about this one day to my father and he loaded me up with all of the Archer Tales, and Saxon Stories! That was about two months ago and I still thank him (and now I thank you!) as often as I can. I have finished all of Saxon Stories (even The Burning Land) and I am now in the second book of the Archer tales. I had read all of the available Saxon Stories and started into the Archer Tales while waiting for, The Burning Lands. I must say that although it took me a little bit longer to get wrapped up Thomas’ adventures as opposed to Uhtred, which instantly had me hooked, I found myself wondering what the second Archer book would have in store for Thomas, while I was reading, The Burning Lands.. I don’t want to prattle on and waste your time any longer, so I will end with a heart-felt thank you. Thanks, Mr. Cornwell for the spellbinding books, and restoring my interest in reading again. Cheers, -Michael Marceau