Hello! I just want to express my admiration at your writing. I´m a 56 years old doctor, GP, with a wife and 2 grownup children and one earling of 15. I´ve always been interested in history and during the last 6-7 years I´ve had a bit of freetime and started to read historic novels. I`ve read everything from Patrick O´Brian, Conn Iggulden, Valerio Massimo Manfredi, Christina Jacq, A.B. Daniel (trilogy of Incas), Jan Guillous and Robin Youngs series of templars. >From you I have read the Saxon Stories. The first 2 books were translated to Swedish but unfortunately the rest are not being published in Sweden. Maybe you need another publisher in Sweden with more money for marketing. These kind of books are bestsellers in Sweden and your books should really sell if they are properly exposed. Tonight I´m going to read the last chapter in “Sword song”, and I found to my delight that you already finished a fifth novel in the series… What I really like about your writing, apart from exciting stories with intelligent plots, is that your characters are not like in many other stories; a modern men put in another century. You really manage to give a feel of how the people really thought and acted in these days. It makes it so much more interesting then when the main characters thinks and acts like “modern christians”. Keep up the good work, I will follow a year behind and read your books! With my best regards, Svante Stål