Dear Mr. Cornwell, First let me thank you for your wonderful books. I am ashamed to say that although I relished the ITV/BBC Sharpe’s series, I had not read any of your books until August of this year when, while vacationing in Scotland, a friend of mine recommended your Arthur series to me. That was in August and since that time, I have purchased and read the Arthur, Grail and Saxon series, the Thrillers, Redcoat, Gallows Thief, Azincourt and Stonehenge. I have also pre-ordered “The Burning Land” and have just ordered your India Trilogy from Easton Press books. You have given me many hours of pleasure reading your books, being a military history buff myself. As a “sporadic” warm water sailor, I have thoroughly enjoyed your sailing thrillers. I have hinted for the Starbuck Chronicles for Christmas and plan on purchasing the remainder of the Sharpe series after I receive my Easton Press editions. I know I’m rambling on (like Jackie perhaps in Stormchild!) and I apologize, but I wanted you to know the incredible amount of enjoyment your books have given me for the past few months. My only regret is not having started reading them earlier. Thank you again and I wish you and yours a safe and happy holiday season with best wishes for the new year. Respectfully, Bruce K. Napier Campton, Kentucky