I love audio books and first knew of your writing (besides the Sharpe Series) through ‘The Last Kingdom’. I had this on cassette form and played it until it was too tired to go on any longer. I then turned to the same in audio cd. Although I have an extensive library of audio cds I never fail to return again, and again, to your Saxon stories. I am eagerly awaiting a pre-ordered copy of ‘The Burning Land’, to complete this set. I listen to your stories as I work around the house and, especially, when I am driving, to and from work. I never tire of them, and the pleasure of listening to them is always with me. At the moment I am listening to Azincourt and it is excellent! I am quite a difficult person to please, and have a few stories, by other authors, on a similar (yet not!)vein. In my opinion your talent for writing far outweighs these others and long may you continue to grace us with this talent. Take care and best wishes!

Liz Lang