Strangely this is not about your books, though it comes through them, if you like. A Vast Saxon hoard has just been discovered in Staffordshire, England. Over 1500 pieces of gold and Silver, swords, battle axes, and the finest jewellery from the Saxon age. The discovery is larger even than Sutton hoo. I thought you’d like to know as I don’t know if this gets reported in America but you can read about it here. highest regards sincerely Mike Usiskin

Dear Bernard, Having just read “Sword Song” I thought you might be interested in this: Huge Anglo-Saxon gold hoard found Great books, thanks for many hours of great reading! I’ve just finished the Sharpe series and have started onto the Saxon Stories, although perhaps not in the right order! Andy Evans

Dear Bernard I thought you might be interested in this article from the BBC website about the discovery of a ‘huge’ hoard of Anglo-Saxon gold. Looking forward to the new book arriving on the shelves in October Best regards Andy Bellinger

Sir, Have you seen the article on Yahoo, or heard about the hoard of Anglo Saxon treasure? “Largest hoard of Anglo-Saxon treasure found in UK” – I was wondering what you might think about it, in terms of popular press generating interest about a Saxon Stories movie. Need I say how big a fan I am of yours, etc.? I’m a 50-year old graduate student, and my reading time is precious. Be assured that I will always steal the time to devour one of your masterful epics. Keep up the good work. Thank you, Alan Katerinsky NSF Scholar University at Buffalo

Of course I thought of Uhtred: “Largest hoard of Anglo-Saxon treasure found in UK”. Hope you return to the D.C. area with you next book.

Thad Humphries Peter McCutcheon

Dear Mr Cornwell, First let me tell you how much we all enjoy your stories. And when I say “we” I mean my entire family. We’re the worst sort of history buffs imaginable. You know, the ones that talk non-stop during movies correcting everything and who know more than the tour guides? Yeah, we fall in that category. My co-workers call me Encyclopedia Bethannica. I was just wondering if you’ve read this article yet. It seems someone has dug up the largest hoard of Anglo-Saxon treasures in history in Staffordshire. It’s beyond amazing. If you’re interested here are the links: and Thank you for proving that history is fascinating enough all by itself, no embellishments required and happy writing. Sincerely, BethAnn Schneider Springtown TX USA

Big fan of your work. I wanted to write to say it looks like they have found Uhtred of Bebbanburg horde (see because it certainly sounds like the kind of buried treasure that he would have hidden. I love the truth and fiction in your work, it makes reading it very pleasurable. Thanks Andy

Mr. Cornwell, With the recent discovery of Anglo-Saxon treasury in the UK do you plan on incorporating this find into an upcoming Saxon book? Also, are you privy to any information about this historical find that the general public hasn’t yet been told? Thank you for your time.

Tim Brough

Dear Mr. Cornwell, I am a reader of your Saxon Stories from Germany and I would be very interested in your comment on the recently discovered Staffordshire Hoard. To me it is very exiting to read now in the press coverage so familiar names like Wulfhere, Aethelred and Mercia, Northumbria and East Anglia. Thank you very much, Sincerely Felix!

Dear Mr Cornwell, You may find the article in the Daily Mail dated 25 September of interest. It relates to the recent find of a substantial amount (11.5 lbs of gold) of Anglo Saxon Treasure recently found at Brownhills, Staffordshire 9close to the A5 Watling Street) and is on display at Birmingham Museum until 13 October, although I am sure that they would arrange a private viewing for you! I am not aware of any battles fought around that area, and it is some 20 or so miles from Repton, which was supposedly the capital of Marcia at one time, and where the Danes landed after coming up the River Trent (substantial remains of a longboat were found there 2 or 3 years ago). Do you think the treasure could have been by Saxons fleeing the Danes along the old Roman road? Brownhills is on the edge of the Trent Valley, which would have been very fertile farming land, and thus well populated in Saxon times. Hope this is of interest, and looking forward to hearing your talk at Warwick. Regards Frank of Mercia

Frank Smith