Dear Mr. Cornwell, I am, as you probably are yourself, obsessed with history, and having Scandinavian and Frisian ancestry I have very much enjoyed reading your Saxon series, after discovering a first edition copy on the book shelf of a deceased English friend, I have since read both sequels, and am just starting to read Sword song. As you dedicate your novel to Aukje in Dutch, I must, alas, inform you that it is not ”mit liefde” but ”met liefde”, I am a Dutchman by nationality, and not as thick as those Dutch chaps that blow up that one cannon on in France at Soissons I believe it was?? so i would just like to inform you of this small error, but it just seems a bit messy to me. Furthermore, I would like to salute you on your knowledge of Germanic history and language, you probably get praise all the time, so I’ll stop it now. Thank you for your great stories, they continue to inspire me. Yours truly, Frederik Salomons