Dear Mr Cornwell, I have just stumbled across your site whilst doing my best to track down a suggested release date for the next book in the Alfred the Great series (a bit presumptuous really given the recent release of “Sword Song”, but my enthusiasm outweighed all bounds of practicality and I thought I’d give it a shot!). Seeing that you have a contact page I thought I’d also quickly take the opportunity to express my gushing thanks for the Warlord Chronicles, which continue to rank among the most enjoyable books I have ever read. I could wax lyrical about the excellent plot, gripping action, original interpretation and just pure enjoyment for the reader that I’ve encountered over many many readings of all three books but, leaving this aside, I’d like to express particular gratitude for the fact that you portrayed Lancelot as a complete git. Having long held this view (left undiminished even after a university dissertation connected with the chivalric legends of Arthur) I was over the moon to see him portrayed in such a light. Love it. I have been pleasantly surprised to see on this site that the Warlord Chronicles are also your favourites and shall mention this to my housemate to whom I have just lent the series with strict instructions not to bend the pages. With sincere gratitude, James.