Mr. Cornwell, I’ve really enjoyed reading your books. I’m very glad I’ve discovered them. I was given Winter King by an old boss of mine a couple years back. Having never read any piece of historical fiction (being mainly a scifi/fantasy reader), it sat for a almost two years. I eventually picked it up when I was straightening my nightstand and found it buried. I had run out of my other book series’ (and frankly have been getting away from them) and started Winter King. What an excellent work! A treasure just waiting to be found, so to speak. I have since finished the Warlord trilogy and Grail Quest series and have finished Lords of the North. I was going to wait until Sword Song came out in paperback, but I don’t think I can wait that long!! I am now reading Stonehenge. Anyway…long ramble to tell you that I really appreciate your storytelling. It is really nice to find an author you enjoy and realize that there is plenty of material left in the bibliography. Don’t stop writing!! Allen in Oklahoma