Hi there! I’m not a writer or a lawyer – I’m a soldier (Australian Army). My father was a Green Jacket, both Rifle Brigade, KRRC and briefly in the GJ Brigade before emigrating to Australia in 1962 with Mum & 5 kids in toe. Dad was a chosen man! I’m in my 36th year of service and currently assigned as a training adviser in Vanuatu. I’ve actually got a first edition Sharpe’s Eagle which I first read in 1982. I’ve got almost every other book you’ve written (probably bar about six on the list at your website). About to read Sword Song. Note your desire to continue the Starbuck series. Hope you do. Did enjoy your Arthur series but recommend Jack Whyte’s series to you (Camulod). An interesting interpretation of the late Roman influence on the Pendragon family. My wife and I always look for new Cornwell’ books whenever we shop. Keep it up. Best regards, Paul