Dear Mr Cornwell I wanted you to know how much I enjoyed ‘Sword song’ – a very enjoyable work. My only criticism is your very negative portrayal of Christianity, which mars the reading experience from my point of view. I wish I knew what happened to leave you so disappointed with or at the Christian faith. I find many of the comments about God throughout the book’s narrative to be surprisingly harsh. However, I have much sympathy with you comments about the hypocrisy of the established religious ‘church'(but then, so did Jesus!). As a Christian, I have served as a Royal Engineers Officer and Prison governor and found that I could never have done either job without my faith in Jesus Christ. I have never found God to be vindictive – he is always merciful and just. He rewards those who look for him and does not conform to the picture depicted in the Arthur Books or the Saxon stories. I do not mean to come across as some strident ‘do-gooder’ in open toed sandals – I would be delighted to set the record straight regarding the Christian faith. In the meantime, I continue to enjoy your books and appreciate the interest in history that they stimulate. Many thanks again. With Regards Tom Clarke