Mr. Cornwell- You MUST write faster! :) It is so hard for Uhtred and I to have this affair when I scare hear of him but once a year! I am so in love with this man! (don’t tell my husband!) All kidding aside: Thank you, thank you, and thank you again for writing sword song. Alas, living in the US I have not seen it yet, but even my husband can tell you I exclaimed with glee when the end of The Lords of The North, where it was made very clear there would be more books!~ (Actually I woke my husband from a dead sleep at 2 in the morning when I finished the book.) Uhtred’s fashion for expressing himself and his brazen arrogance make me near swoon! I love his utter disrespect for the church in all its hypocrisy and that he has no qualms of talking back to Alfred! I look forward to the next installment! Could it be possible for Uhtred to meet an Oriana in his books? (teasing). One more slight critique. The Lords of the North seemed a bit rushed, near the end. Did it feel that way when writing it? I think the book could have been longer (of course that is in opposition to my earlier request to write faster.) When will he regain his rightful place at Bebbanburg? I want to see he and Ragnar rule Northumbria together…and for Alfred to freaking acknowledge all Uhtred has done for him! So pompous! Thanks again! any suggestions on what else of yours to read, while I wait for Sword Song in the US? I don’t know where to start! Sorry for the lengthy email. Promise not to do it again, till my eyes are itching for the next one! There will be a next one after Sword Song…. right?
Oriana Lewallen