Mr. Cornwell, I am not much of a reader. In fact, I read maybe one or two books a year. I noticed the cover of the Pale Horseman at my friend’s house and thought to myself, “Now there’s a great image ffor a book.” I read the first few pages and was hooked. I read the Pale Horseman, the Last Kingdom (yes, not in the correct order, but the enjoyment certainly wasn’t affected), and the Lords of the North in 2 weeks. For some reason, I thought the Saxon Stories were a trilogy, so something happened to me which I have never experienced while reading a book. With about 40 pages left in the Lords of the North, I actually felt a sense of dread that this wonderful, exhilirating journey was coming to an end. Well, you can imagine my relief when I read the last line of the Historical Note. Thank you so much for Uhtred. And best (albeit selfish) wishes for many more Ragnarsonian adventures! (Glad to hear you have family on Vancouver Island.) Cary Chiu, Victoria BC