Hi Bernard I just wanted to say thank you for such wonderful reading. I’m in Australia and the Sharpe Series was playing on cable on UKTV. My husband is English and suggested we watch it as he has fond memories of the series. I liked it so much and was very curious to read the books. Hence I bought the whole Sharpe Series and am thoroughly enjoying them. I’ve also read nearly all your other books now and I can honestly say the best books I have read in a long time was the Arthur Books. I just thought Derfel was a fantastic character and I was really sad when I finished reading them as I didn’t want the story to be over. My husbands favourites were the Grail Quest series. We’ve both just read the Pale Horseman and can’t wait to read the next one in the series. We’ve just had a baby and even though we are really busy when we do have time we snatch up your books and they really help us to have some chill out time and relax. We tell as many people as we can about your books. Thank you very much once again and we wish you all the best in the future and can’t wait for any new releases. Cheers, Nicole and Allan Gough. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.