Dear Mr. Cornwell, I am home sick from work today and was up all las night with a fever. We do not own a television and instead we read. I read the last 2/3 of The Last Kingdom, having started it the day before. Can I just say that I love this story as I did Stonehenge and the Arthur series? I’m going out as soon as I feel better to buy The Pale Horseman. I found your books in a small library in a small town that I was living in prior to moving back to D.C. Before finding your stories I had thought that I would never love anyone’s books more than a certian science fiction/fantasy writer’s. I was wrong and you stole my heart. More accurately, your heroes have stolen my heart. I have not read all of your books but I plan to read as many as I can beg, borrow, steal or purchase. Okay…I probably won’t steal them. I do wish that you would come to D.C. Please:) Rachel