Dear Mr. Cornwell, 10 years ago I immigrated to Chicago from the Czech Republic – without any knowledge of English language. Eventually, I started to understand, to talk, to write and to read…and then I discovered your books and I fell in love in them…and probably in you too. (but don’t tell this to your wife – if you are married). You are a national treasure and all people of Enland should be very proud of you. Just now I finished “The Pale Horseman” and I’m looking forward to reading about next Uhtred’s adventures. As you noticed, I don’t have a way with words and spelling is also a trouble, so sorry for that, but I couldn’t resist sending you this short note and thanking you for your great books. Please keep writing this wonderful novels, there is a huge audience all around the world. With adoration: Lidia PS A Question: Do you know, if any of your books are translated to czech language?