Mr. Cornwell: What a wonderful coincidence; I just finished George MacDonald Fraser’s Flashman on the March two days ago, tonight I pick up The Pale Horseman and lo and behold, it is dedicated to Mr. MacDonald. I’ve said on many an occasion that Sharpe is an Honorable Flashie–it IS all relative tho, isn’t it. There are three authors of historical fiction that I never, ever, pass up. You, Mr. MacDonald and Lindsey Davis. Yes, I like the rogues of old. On Oct. 6, 2000, at the ripe young age of 52 I happened upon Sharpe’s Tiger. Bought everything you had available within 18 months and I’ve picked up everything since. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the enjoyment and for adding to my education. By the way, in David Weber’s Science Fiction work Heirs of Empire I detected your influence in the battle between the Heretics and the Church. Read it? If not, sit down with some Grand Marnier before a fire and enjoy. That’s what I’m about to do with the story of the pale horseman in the 9th century. (And yes, in North Florida, when the temperature gets into the low 30’s and upper 40’s we build fires.) Thanks again for the wonderful times. Jack Weiss