Hello Bernard,

I know you are highly regarded in your profession and must get numerous complements regarding your many books, I would just like to add mine and also end my admiration for your work with a quick question.
I came across my first Bernard Cornwall book in my local charity shop and when picking it up was overjoyed to discover it was about King Arthur, I subsequently went on to read my purchase of ‘Arthur’ and read it within two weeks(which is a first for me as I take months to complete a novel)I was so taken into the plot and became so eager to find out what would happen in the concluding chapters. I was then delighted to find out that it was the first book in the ‘Warlord Chronicles’ series and became a bloodthirsty hunter in search of my next fix. I rapidly read all three each time wanting more of the story to unfold. I then discovered the ‘Grail Quest’, but by far my favourite series is the ‘Saxon Chronicles’. Being unaturally obsessed with the Vikings from a young age I was overwhelmed with excitement at finding that you had written not one but four books lovingly detailing the lives and the history of those amazing warriors. Having found out that my ancestors came over from Normandy with none other than William the Conqueror(his closest companion who was giving the job of burying King Harold, and had descended from Viking roots) I couldn’t wait to read them. I was pleased as punch when you released ‘The Burning Land’ which I am about to start reading(only just found the time)and now ‘Death of Kings’ has been released so I will be very busy getting stuck into those!….

I just want to express how much pleasure I have had reading all your books and am so impressed with how much detail you put into each chapter, I always feel like I have walked onto a set of a film and am experiencing the atmosphere, sights, smells and emotions of every character, each book leaves me wanting more….

My question to you is :  Have you considered talking to anyone about turning the ‘Saxon Chronicles’ into a series of Blockbuster films directed by someone like James Cameron maybe(as he produces great epic films)I am always so disappointed that no-one has ever made a really good exciting Viking film. Your Saxon series would be perfect, I can’t get over how surprised I am that to date no-one has picked-up on the rich history we have in this country from this era. The Vikings have so many Sagas detailing everything from trading to family feuds and I am at a loss as to why this exciting period in history is buried, yes we have many films from English history but they always focus on Medieval England and the Romans. I would hate to think that these Nordic explorers will be swept under the carpet for another thoasand years before they finally have their day!….
Thankyou for making the cutting down of trees so worthwhile, keep up the good work Joanne.