Dear Bernard, First, I must say that I am constantly amazed at how much I love your novels. My copies of Sharpe’s Eagle, Sharpe’s Enemy and Sharpe’s Honour are all but worn out but since they don’t publish them with the TV-show covers anymore, I fear to replace them. I was, of course, turned onto the series by the TV show as a young lad. Ironically, I am the very same age as Sharpe and suspect he was “born” very close to my own birthday. What date was Eagle first released? I must say that if you are to write more Sharpe novels, you must re-read Eagle and Gold! I suspect that you must have, because you remembered that Tom Garrard was with Sharpe at Gawlighur and thus found a way to have the 33rd’s Light Company show up several day’s march from where the 33rd was posted. But, you claim to be afraid to re-read them so please get over that fear, read your old works and produce your finest Sharpe book ever! We will all be eternally grateful. It would also be really cool if you re-edited those old books to include some references to the newer ones, as well as changing Sharpe’s character to that depicted in Tiger through Prey. It is plainly obvious just how much Sean Bean influenced you and rightly so! Of course, that would be hugely time consuming but I can wish! I also wish that the Sharpe series would come to the big screen but maybe that will be a better fate for Thomas of Hookton? Your characters get better and better! I will admit to my failings, however. I stalled while reading both Stonehenge and Sword Song because of some treachery that you depict so well that I felt as though I was the one being stabbed in the back, so to speak. I have also not managed to dig into the Arthur books, probably because you keep publishing stories that I’m already invested in and can’t stop reading. I am, however, currently reading through your works using the Kindle app on my phone. And now, since I’m completely rambling and probably both high on coffee and as sleep-deprived as anyone, I bid you adieu. Keep up the fantastic work and I hope for new Sharpe soon! (it’s been a few years, so it’s due!) – Paul in Washington D.C.