Dear Mr. Cornwell,

I have a great affinity with England and everything English. So much so that I spent about 10 years studying, working and generally living there.

10 years ago I read your Warlord Chronicles and I loved them.

Earlier this year, as I was leaving the UK I stumbled upon “The Pale Horseman” in a 2nd hand bookshop. I very much enjoy historical novels and simply “inhaled” your book. I was really disappointed to find out it was part of a series. Buying English books in Germany is fairly expensive and so I was happy when I found “The Last Kingdom” at WHSmith at Gatwick when I came over to visit friends a couple of weeks ago.
Upon my return to Germany I went onto and bought all the books in the series and read one each week until Christmas.
Again, I thought this was it… but, alas, the storyline isn’t complete yet.

I love your writing and I can’t wait for the next instalment in the series to be published.

Very best regards,