Mr. Cornwell,

A week or so ago I read a comment from a 19 year old reader who expressed his great pleasure in having just read his first book by you, “The Winter King”. I must be honest and say I remember a day when I was 19, not a very avid reader or student for that matter and I walked into a rather large book chain, searched the store and came across that image on the cover and left with the book. It was ironic to see a young man make his comment much the same way I felt as a kid years ago. Now through many years of reading and four deployments, if was that first novel that gave me a love for reading as well as a love for history. I have since read over 20 of your booķs and am working toward completing my Masters in US Military History as well as working toward becoming an Army Combat Historian.

I am slowly working toward becoming a writer. I already write for school but I am talking in the novel sense. My first goal of course is to write one book but my question relates to a multiple book series. I would like to know if you have a technique in writing a multiple book series and tieing book 1 all the way through? I had made it through the Burning Land and now have restarted the series, repurchasing all the books digitially. As I am reading I have the perspective of knowing what is coming mostly and I see how you weave it together. In a series like “Grail Quest” and the “Warlord Chronicles” those are three books and slightly different in constructing but the “Warrior Chronicles” has become 8 books. I cannot speak to the “Sharpes” books because I have only read “Tiger” but do you have a method you are willing to share? I have an idea for a series but have yet to figure a way to start when I already know how I want the story to twist and end. I am not asking for the surefire method, just an idea because I understand writing is about technique and not everyones is the same.

I understand being a novelist this may be a question you would rather not answer but whether you answer my question or not, I would like to thank you for many an early morning, many a quiet night, many a long duty and many a long flight, having this time filled in reading your novels.

Take care,
