Hi, I wrote a wee while back about a similar thing that I am going to mention now.  I am thoroughly enjoying The Last Kingdom series of books and am now on The Empty Throne.  I love to get into the nitty gritty of a book and will regularly go back to a different stage in a book or indeed a previous book in the series to refamiliarise myself with an event or character.  I really appreciate when a time line or family tree continues throughout a book and you can map it in your head as you read.  Unfortunately I am disappointed that in the empty throne Stiorra is said to be Uhtred’s youngest when in sword song Uhtred is bouncing her up and down when Giesla tells him she is pregnant with Osbert / Uhtred. Also it says that Athelflaed is 40 or so but she can’t be if Young Uhtred says her daughter is just younger than him and he says he’s 21.  I know that by the history books she was meant to be 43 in 912 so I’m guessing at times you are trying to keep in line with history but this hasn’t always worked out with the characters and their timelines.  Many thanks as I say I am thoroughly enjoying the books and can’t put them down really but just felt compelled to write this.

Louisa Lennen