Dear Bernard You have recently said that the next book is set during the American Revolution will it involve Banastre Tarleton at all and if not would you ever consider even one book about him It must be said as a very Sharpe like character (Yet more than any other British soldier he is truly loathed in the US) it would be great to see you write about him even just 1 novel and he does deserve some payback for the Patriot.

2) And if assuming you ever do get to Starbuck he has been confined really in Virginia and Lee would you ever consider sending him truly south to some of the battles in the West???

and finally Have you ever considered writing about the Crimean war and battles like the Alma, Balakalva and Inkkerman all could be regarded as soldiers battles (certainly little in the way of generalship) and the famous birth of the thin red line. Anyway look forward to the Burning land. Yours sincerely Geraint P.S If you have not read it Ian Fletcher’s new book book on the battle of the Alma 1854 is worth a go and very enjoyable.