dear Mr Cornwell,loved the sample of the burning land,thanks.but please tell me that you are already working on the next!!(or a new Starbuck)yours.Richard Dorrean

I am a big fan of all your works, and just completed The Starbuck Chronicles. There is unfinished business here, and I humbly request that a method arises for you to complete his story.
Joe Doyle

Hello Bernard. At the end of your fourth Starbuck book, you say that Starbuck will return. Will this happen as it must be 12 years since that promise was made. As an avid fan, I really do hope so. P.S. Really looking forward to the Burning Land,s launch

Lawrence Kenwood

I was wondering if you were going to continue the Starbuck series, I enjoy the read of the series and would love to see it continued.

Jeffrey Gates